ELA 20- Moving Forward Sample Unit

Download PDF click here: ELA 20 Moving Forward Unit Plan

Unit Rationale:

ELA 20 is divided into two units the first is Starting Out- Beginning and Becoming. The Second is Moving Forward- Establishing and Realizing. We have chosen to address the second unit in this plan. We have chosen to focus on this unit because we believe this is an important time for students to address their goals for the future. In Grade Eleven many students in Saskatchewan may start address the question of “how and why will you prepare for your future?” To understand this many students need to start to address ideas such as “how can we prepare for the roles and expectations that we have for ourselves and that others have for us?  What kinds of dreams are considered worthy? How do we define success and achievement for ourselves? How do others define success and achievement?”

As students prepare to address their future it is important to us that they understand that others should not define their future. That as students think about what their end goal is they understand there will be obstacles and expectations but that they are prepared to defend their choices. By looking at texts that challenge students to consider who defines success and who defines what dreams are worthy we can provide students the ability to assess their own dreams with the same critical thinking.

It is also important that students understand how society plays a role in these decisions. Reading literature about how other people overcome the adversity of transitioning to adulthood provides students with support that is incredibly valuable during this transitional period. Understanding that the struggles they face although specific to them are not isolated. Many other people have faced the same struggles and come out on the other side. As we address these struggles we will also address issues of oppression and struggles faced by those who are not part of the cultural and/or socio-economic majority. In this way we have chosen to incorporate a multitude of diverse perspectives and content in a way that informs and guides or discussion.  In particular Indigenous content and perspectives. This is also in response to the TRC calls to action. Finally we have focused on the inclusion of Indigenous content and perspectives as opposed to a focus on Treaty Education outcomes because the Treaty Outcomes for Grade 11 are quite specific and will more often fit in well in the first Unit of ELA 20.

By the end of this unit students will be able to identify ways that they will address the obstacles they face as they prepare for their future and they will be able to articulate who determines what success means to them. Our hope is that through challenging and engaging content and teaching strategies students will complete this unit closer to becoming socially responsible, literate, engaged, life long learners with the ability to think critically and a strong sense of self, community and place.

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