Teaching is a political act… but do you have to act online?

Teaching as we know is in and of itself a political act. If you make a choice to teach or not to teach something there is power and weight in that decision. I think if anything we have seen an increase in the connection between this idea and how teachers portray themselves online. As one … More Teaching is a political act… but do you have to act online?

It’s fine they’ll learn it in school…

Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to be good digital citizens? This debate goes beyond the digital and tech debate. At a surface level, sure, this seems like a conversation around the role and responsibilities of the teacher in relation to tech and digital citizenship, however I think that it goes far beyond … More It’s fine they’ll learn it in school…

The Digital Matthew Effect: How EdTech Can Increase the Divide

For those of you who don’t know what the Matthew Effect is let me break it down for you. This is Matthew Fiorante a pro-gamer from Regina, SK. He is the only Canadian to win a Major League Gaming Halo Championship. He has been ranked ranked as one of the top 25 pro-gamers and has … More The Digital Matthew Effect: How EdTech Can Increase the Divide